Natural Remedies For Depression:

More FLORA® Essences...

Natural Remedies For Depression

There is an Essence for EVERY Major Emotional Distress:

“Stress” Essence:
Ideal for those who spend most of their days in constant tension.

“Self Esteem” Essence:
It helps to overcome insecurity and lack of confidence.

“Adolescence” Essence:
It is perfect for adaptation difficulties.

“Addictions” Essence:
It helps with any kind of addiction.

“Appetite Control” Essence:
Helps to keep emotional eating under control.

“Peaceful Relationships” Essence:
It promotes tolerance and affection.

“Bad Mood” Essence:
For those who are constantly angry.

“Concentration” Essence:
Ideal for better attention, mindfulness and mental readiness.

“Revitalize” Essence:
For people that suffer from extreme lethargy and tiredness.

“Traveler’s Fear” Essence:
It is ideal for people that are fearful of traveling.

“Sexuality” Essence:
If depression has brought problems on this area, this essence will help.

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DISCLAIMER: Flower essences should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Natural Remedies for
Anxiety and Depression

Natural Remedies for Depression and Anxiety

Rescue Remedy

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Anxiety Remedy

Natural Remedies for Depression

Depression Remedy

What people are saying...

"I was going through a very challenging phase in my life. I visited an alternative doctor and he suggested I try the "Rescue" essence. I remember I had my first dose while still in the taxi on my way home. It was amazing the sense of relaxation that I felt right away. It was so unusual that I started giggling... As If I had had some drinks... The effect lasted for a short while. It still took time and effort to overcome the crisis I was going through but I can say that the essences definitely made a difference..."

Christian M. Oesterle