"Adolescence" Flower Essence

Essence "Adolescence": It is perfect for adaptation difficulties in teens:

• Increases self acceptation and optimism

• Improves communication and handling of social challenges

• It helps with rebellious behavior

Parents can use this essence as well as teens. It will improve communication between parents and teens and will help them both adapt to the series of changes and challenges that adolescence brings about.


Other helpful Essences to combine with “Adolescence” for maximum results:

-"Peaceful Relationships" Essence

-"Self Esteem" Essence

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What people are saying...

"I was going through a very challenging phase in my life. I visited an alternative doctor and he suggested I try the "Rescue" essence. I remember I had my first dose while still in the taxi on my way home. It was amazing the sense of relaxation that I felt right away. It was so unusual that I started giggling... As If I had had some drinks... The effect lasted for a short while. It still took time and effort to overcome the crisis I was going through but I can say that the essences definitely made a difference..."

Christian M. Oesterle