I been through a lot in my life but the WORST was when I got hurt at work and after that my life went down hill.. I was not able to do the stuff I used to do and the medical part there was not the help that I thought I would of gotten....

I am now down a road where I have to deal with something for the rest of my life..I am not able to work I am limited on walking and standing I thought it was stress but when my eyes got opened the day when I wanted to END MY LIFE... I knew there was something more going on. I got scared to think who I would be leaving behind plus GOD DOES NOT FORGIVE SOMEONE WHO GOES THAT ROUTE that is one SIN THAT IS NOT EVER FORGIVEN FOR...

I got help but still today I know I am delicate I have to be careful and watch for the signs. I am scared I have people in my life who care for me.

I don't want to disappoint them but then again I have to think about myself. I am number 1 and I am important, others come next. My health is important my life is important and those who harmed me I don't have to go home to them... I don't have to sleep with them at night I don't have to eat dinner. This list can go on and on all I have to understand is that I have to take care of myself and it is ONE DAY AT A TIME....


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Aug 20, 2015
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Dec 19, 2011
don't give up on life!
by: Anonymous

Yes, there are times that you feel so sad that the only option you can think of is ending your life. But as you said, you still care for the people you love the most, and ending your life may bring sadness to them. Why not take an online therapy session or two? When I was at the saddest moment of my life, I sought out help from a therapist at wwww.talkwelisten.com, and I must say that he really helped me get back on my feet. so fight! it's not yet the end, live and love. :)

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