How to Deal with Depression
without Medication

Ease Your Depression with Simple Lifestyle Changes …

Do you want to learn how to deal with depression without medication?

First, you have to be willing to make some changes to your lifestyle. If you suffer from a mild depression (dysthymia) you can adopt simple changes that can make a huge difference for you. They aren’t major changes, on the contrary, they are changes that you can introduce to your life progressively.

These lifestyle changes will greatly reduce the risk of falling back into depression.

Let’s Get Started …

The following are habits that you can incorporate into your life to accelerate your recovery:

1. Relaxation

2. Meditation

3. Finding purpose

4. Expressing your feelings

5. Being selective with the type of activities you do

6. Dropping expectations about people or situations

7. Cultivating good sleeping habits

1. Relaxation:

In the process of learning how to deal with depression it is important to establish an order of priorities.

When you suffer from anxiety and depression, your mind and your body are telling you that something is not right… This may be that you are over stressing yourself with an excessive work load and you need to slow down!

Depression is often associated with tension and stress. If you really want to know how to deal with depression you need to “compromise” a little and think about yourself first. Set time apart for you!

There are many ways to relax. Here are some pleasantly relaxing ideas that you can practice few times a week:

• Enjoy a Yoga or a Tai Chi class (Yoga and Tai chi classes are often offered in community centers, local community colleges or senior centers).

• Do some gardening or any other hobby that you enjoy…

• Do arts & crafts projects.

• Take a walk in nature. Enjoy your surroundings in a meditative state.

• Listen to a relaxation tape.

• Read an uplifting, pleasant book.

• Listen to soft music and visualize yourself in a pleasant place. (Smell the fresh air, feel the breeze on your face, watch the sun set…)

These are some other activities that you should practice at least once a month:

• Schedule a weekend away from everything or at least one Sunday that you can take as a vacation.

• If you can, enjoy a body massage, a facial, or any other activity that feels that you are being pampered.

We are so concerned with all our occupations that we forget to spend some time caring for ourselves … And yes, I know you are going to tell me that there is NO TIME to do anything BUT, let me tell you that your health comes first! It is imperative that you take time for yourself in the moments that really matter.

If you want to make the time, you will make it! Do not be afraid to let the world run without you for a while!

Also, try to plan your activities and commitments with enough time so you don’t have to go through the aggravation of hurrying or being late. Break large tasks into small ones, set some priorities, and do what you can when you can.

2. Meditation:

I have a great selection of easy meditation techniques on this website. Please visit these pages to get a better idea of what meditation is.

If you want to learn how to deal with depression, meditation is the best way to gain control over your thoughts and therefore, over your life.

It’s an excellent way to get a hold on the obsessive thinking that is so typical of a depressed person.

If you practice meditation regularly, you can really get to know yourself and get to manage your emotions. And forget all those “hazy” myths about meditation… You can meditate while you wash your hands! There is nothing so ceremonial or difficult about it.

You can start meditating just by taking a relaxing walk.

Here are two of the most important aspects of meditation:

• Recognize your thoughts for what they are… Just thoughts!

Do not accept your negative thinking! It is part of your depression and it is totally distorted and misleading. The bad thoughts will diminish as you learn to be aware of your thinking. Read this wonderful article about Cognitive Therapy.

• Derive more enjoyment from what you do!

When we focus on what we do at any moment, we derive more enjoyment from the world around us. We won’t miss out on life by not paying attention to it.

Here is a wonderful meditation to get you started: (Please consider that this may take a bit of work but regardless, it is totally worth it!)

Choose any activity from your daily routine and before performing that activity say to yourself:

-“I love doing this”


“I am grateful that I can do this”.

Infuse your activities with love. Love has such a healing effect. It immediately changes the whole functioning of your mind and your body.

When you try to tell yourself to do things with love you will probably hear a voice in the back of your mind saying: “Don’t fool yourself, you hate doing this”. Tell that voice: “Thanks for sharing, but today I choose not to pay attention to you!” I know it sounds silly, but who cares? If it is going to help you, wouldn’t you at least try it?

Use that line any time you hear an “Attacking Thought” like “I hate my life” or “I am an idiot” etc… Remember to tell that voice:

“Today I choose not to pay attention to you!”

…Thoughts are only as powerful and as meaningful as YOU make them!

I always emphasize HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO GET A HOLD OF YOUR THOUGHTS. If you want to heal your life this is the single most important thing you can do for yourself!!!

Make a Difference in Your Life NOW!

Please visit the continuing parts of this article:

• How to deal with depression (part II)

• How to Deal with Depression (part III)

You will find many more great skills that you can put in practice to overcome your depression and heal your life once and for all!!!

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"All I can say is THANKYOU! so much for making this site! I was put on anti-depressants when I was 13 (now 20) after a childhood of severe abuse in every imaginable way. Just a few weeks ago I've come off my medications for good and am never going back. I came across this site today, it has helped so much already!


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