Finding True Happiness ...
Is that Really Possible?

Happiness is not about having a silly grin on your face 24/7. True happiness is a state of peace and easiness in which you feel that you flow pleasantly through life.

You feel supported by life and you trust the unfolding of it.

You have no fear and feel that life is a journey to enjoy! And the great news is this happiness is already within you right now...

Happiness Exists Only in the Present Moment…

Your happiness is intimately related to the aliveness of this present moment… So do not wait for events in the future to make you happy… You can only be happy now.

When you are in a state of true happiness, you feel a total peace and ease with the way life is now because you are connected to the wholeness of it...

You understand that you are part of everything and everything is a part of you. All the events in your life then, are not judged separately, you trust them as part of the totality. In this totality, nothing is good or bad, right or wrong, it just is...

In this state of happiness you naturally want harmonious outcomes for you and everybody else around you. You recognize yourself in others, and you expand your love and joy to others naturally.

The universe becomes your friend and you flow with life instead of resisting it.

When you are happy, you find beauty in everyone and in everything. You feel just as exhilarated with small and insignificant things as with huge things.

Finding True Happiness…

True happiness is actually not something that you need to find...

Happiness has ALWAYS been within us, in our heart…

The problem is that our mind has covered it up with lots of junk (mistaken beliefs like: we are not good enough, we "suck", life is a "b^#*%"). So instead of seeking happiness, just start by freeing your mind from all those false and fearful thoughts it has collected throughout the years. Start by practicing these helpful ways to be happy.

The central cause of unhappiness is never the situation you are going through but your thoughts about that situation. The good news is that you can learn to observe and take control of your thoughts.

You will find diverse ways to “discipline” your thinking in this website. By practicing meditation techniques you can learn to tame the “Wild Horse” your mind is right now…

It Is Right Around the Corner…

Finding true happiness is very real and very attainable… Unfortunately, the world suffers from an epidemic called unhappiness. But now you know that happiness is already within you and you CAN be happy if you truly want it.

Happiness is a choice and IT IS UP TO YOU to make that decision!

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