Uncovering our Happiness!
I am a passionate advocate of finding ways to heal anxiety and depression without medication. In this newsletter I have an exciting selection of articles to share with you!
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In This Issue:
1) Peace, Love and Happiness -- Isn't that what we all want? If you feel that happiness is something remote that you will only accomplish at some point in the future when certain conditions are met, this article is for you...
Restore peace, love and happiness to your life now!
2) Are You Willing to Forgive? -- Forgiveness is one of the most difficult things to do... Though, if we want to be happy we may need to let go of some grievances that we may be carrying along with us.
A guide to learn forgiveness
3) You Are Not Alone... -- Having someone to come to when we are feeling depressed and hopeless makes a huge difference. There are wonderful depression support groups that do just that!
Best depression support groups online and offline
I hope I brought some joy and light to your day, as a matter of fact I am sending in your way actual sun rays from this warm, beautiful and sunny Florida, (where I live).
If you have any comments, ideas or feedback, I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this newsletter and tell me what you think!
Have a Joyful day!